AI Will Not Replace Doctors, But It May Drastically Change Their Jobs

This op-ed posits that in the same way that the finance industry adopting technology and its subsequent infiltration of their dynamics changed the roles of everyone employed, the same thing is bound to happen to healthcare, which has historically been one of the slowest industries in adopting and integrating technology into practice. This is because of a human-centric service model, an intense educational background needed to practice, a deep-rooted culture, and a large and complex industry.

Important pull-quote:     “There’s not going to be an AI that solves health care — just like there isn’t one solution to all retail (groceries, clothing and music all took very different paths to digitization) or all marketing (as the MarTech 5000 technology landscape shows). Rather, based on one process within one specialty at a time, automated systems are showing up and ready for prime time: identifying abnormal chest x-rays, diagnosing common pediatric diseases, analyzing lymph node slides in pathology, detecting eye disease early on and assessing mental health.”


Replacing doctors [ Medical Economics Journal, February 10, 2019 edition , Volume 96, Issue 3 ]

Nurse Practitioners (NPs) have independent practice rights in 22 states and DC. While physician assistants (PAs) still require a formal agreement with a supervising physician, the American Academy of Physician Assistants is advocating that a collaborative agreement with a physician no longer be necessary to practice.

According to the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), physicians average more than 12,000 patient-care training hours, while NPs average more than 500 and PAs over 2,000.


Will doctors be replaced by algorithms?

Important pull-quote:     “Without a doubt, algorithms will play a vital and growing role in health care. However, while they may soon become superhuman at performing certain tasks, algorithms do not have the general intelligence that people do, nor the ability to empathize with patients. It’s this unique combination that enables us, as care professionals, to work together effectively and to draw from clinical and emotional experience to build genuine, healing relationships with our patients. When we’re at our best, this can be powerful medicine.”




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