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Lindsay O’Neill

Lindsay Mure-O'Neill "FUEL", the Founder of SmallHinges.Health and co-founder of Wellness Eternal, is an acclaimed expert in the realms of health, technology, and holistic wellness. As a seasoned TEDx speaker and on-camera talent, Lindsay captivates audiences with her compelling insights and journey of bio-individual healing.

With a distinguished career as an Ai & Big Data technologist and marketer, Lindsay has spent decades at the intersection of technology and human experience. Her passion for leveraging data to transform lives extends beyond the professional realm into her roles as a certified Culinary Medicine Chef from the prestigious Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and a Wellness Coach through ACE Fitness.

Lindsay's commitment to mental health advocacy and education is evident in her role as a dedicated board member of #HalfTheStory. She believes that you DON'T have to change everything to change everything. Small hinges swing the BIG door of positive change. 



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