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Pooja Radia

Pooja Radia is a Type 1 diabetic, on insulin pump therapy, diagnosed at the age of 9. From day one, she embraced her condition without fear, never letting it hinder her participation in any of her achievements or activities, despite any challenges endured. She graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Mathematics and Economics, and an MSc in Management and Regulation of Financial Risk, both from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Since then, she has worked in the financial industry, as a Private Banker for Standard Chartered and Credit Suisse in London, covering clients across the world. 

From her childhood days, she enjoyed being an activist for the condition, helping raise awareness through various platforms at the time, having given talks, and helped organise fundraising events for the Diabetes Management Institute (DMI), Kenya, and currently an Ambassador for the DiaBeaters support platform for patients. With personal experience of the condition for the last 23 years - Pooja is a pillar of support and inspiration for others, helping them overcome any challenges endured. She covers the U.K. and EMEA regions. 

She would also like to raise awareness on other mental health and medical conditions and their day-to-day management, particularly auto-immune diseases, and aspires to become a coach to help those going through them.

Pooja is also currently a Tony Robbins Leadership mastery trainee, and is extremely passionate about using her learnings & personal experiences to help, guide and be an example for others with similar trials and tribulations.

Pooja can be found and connected with using the below social platforms links (both personal and Diabeaters group pages):


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